Industries we focus with confidence

Health Care

Artificial intelligence is already arriving as a game changer in the healthcare sector. We are engaged in few projects that mainly focus Remote Patient Monitoring via Apple iWatch , including ECG graph generation, Appointment and Telehealth and notably environmental monitoring of operating rooms for its high quality atmosphere.


The robotization of stores will result in reducing lines, lowering the number of human employees, and significant savings on operational expenses.

AI chatbots provide an even higher level of customer service, improve searching, send notifications about new collections, and suggest similar products. If a customer already bought a product, a chatbot can suggest further related products for increased sales.

Applications of AI for retail stores could help businesses set prices for their products, visualizing the likely outcomes of multiple pricing strategies. To be able to execute this, systems collect information about other products, promotional activities, sales figures, and additional data.

Understanding the customer behaviour is another strength for any business to improve targeted sales timely and cost effective. We have good design experience to combine AI Chat, Vision Cameras to visualize pattern and behaviours

Manufacturing and Logistics

The manufacturing industry has tons of aspects that AI-based bots or systems could fix. From robot-driven assembly lines to intelligent systems that can predict the malfunctioning of machinery, AI would become inevitable for the manufacturing industries. It could also remove employees with redundant skill sets and engage them in meaningful works. AI-based bots or machines would also assist in solving supply-chain concerns over a wide geographical location, minimizing the shipping and delivery timing of online products.

The logistics and transportation industry is on the verge of an AI-infused revolution. The use of machine learning and predictive analytics has already transformed supply chain management, making it a seamless process. Many warehouses use AI-powered robots for sorting and packaging products in warehouses. Furthermore, AI algorithms are also being increasingly used to find the quickest shipment route and support the last-mile delivery.


A new field of “Climate Informatics” is blossoming that uses AI to fundamentally transform weather forecasting and improve our understanding of the effects of climate change. This field traditionally requires high performance energy-intensive computing, but deep-learning networks can allow computers to run much faster and incorporate more complexity of the ‘real-world’ system into the calculations.

AI can analyse simulations and real-time data (including social media data) of weather events and disasters in a region to seek out vulnerabilities and enhance disaster preparation, provide early warning, and prioritise response through coordination of emergency information capabilities. At Senzbee, having a well integrated Sensors platform that can automate any enviornmental compliances to automate the sensing and preventive actions.


The travel industry is set to derive significant benefits from the widespread use of AI-enabled chatbots. Chatbots are a proven means for improving customer service and engagement mainly because of their 24*7 presence and instant resolution of queries.

Advanced AI algorithms are powering chatbots with increased efficiencies, enabling them to provide more accurate responses to customer queries. Many large travel organizations are turning to AI companies to build their own AI-based mobile apps and chatbots for improving the customer experience.

Furthermore, machine learning and predictive analytics help travel companies increase their conversion rates by identifying customer behavior and purchasing patterns.

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